Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Sometimes I am serious!!!

Ok, here is exactly why I loathe the current administration so very much. I have a hard time articulating it because it makes me so effing angry, but I actually found my very specific, hardcore reason. And I found it whilst watching "The Girls Next Door." Yes, this IS the show about the playboy bunnies. Who says there isn't knowledge to be gained everywhere you look?
So one of the girls is talking about how her brother is in the army and she is so so proud of him because he used to have a totally different job and then after September 11th he quit immediately and enlisted.
I remember when a lot of that was going on. And I remember thinking "how honorable. How impressive. THIS is what our country is about- these people are rising from a nation that is hurting and terrified and they are going to do something about it." Flash forward five years. These honorable men and women who put their lives on hold to go fight a just war against a tyrant who actually attacked and murdered thousands of Americans on our own soil? Are now dying in a completely. Different. Country. They are fighting a completely. Separate. War. When I hear people liken the "war" in Iraq to Afghanistan or referring to this current situation as a retaliation for September 11th ( anyone watch real world?!?!? Remember when Wes, aka Abe 2.0 was yelling about how the Iraqis blew up the world trade center?!?!) my first thought is not "oh, they are confused", or "oh, they have a different view on things"-it's "oh...You're a racist fuck." Seriously. Not all Muslims are terrorists, and by continuously relating Iraq and September 11th, you just make yourself look ignorant.
There were no weapons of mass destruction. Even if I believed it was an honest mistake, just bad intelligence, that wouldn't make it better; a leader can't make these kinds of mistakes when the price is human life. But I truly believe this was calculated; a PR move by the government, paid in our soldiers' blood.
Before September 11th, I thought Bush was kind of a joke. A moron, no doubt, but pretty harmless. This all changed by the end of 2001. He emerged as this powerful behemoth, ready to protect us from the Big Bad Terrorists. And he abused his power to an inexcusable degree. The only thing I can liken it to? A pimp who rescues a 12 year old girl who is being abused and raped. And then sells her to his friends.
I hate what has happened to this country, I hate what our government has become, and I hate how not everyone seems to see how crazy wrong this situation is.

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