Sunday, October 23, 2005

Whatever, you get what you pay for...

Well, If I am ever in need of some good old-fashioned ego stroking, I know to come to my blog. Because, seriously, you people are nice and funny and smart. So thanks to everyone who responded and the people who were too chicken and im'ed/e-mailed me instead. But really, was that like you are too embarassed to admit that you read this?? Because if so, EWW. But if it was just because you were too drunk to figure out how to comment, well, ok. I can respect that.

I will also gladly accept that Renaynay plagirizes me for two reasons. One, because I used to seriously imitate how she talked when we were in high-school. Like I would use phrases that she did and say things the same way. I totally did it subcounciously too. But it was probably because she was a year older than me and I thought she was the most badass person in the land. She totally still is. And two, because did you FOR REAL FOR REAL start a blog called "Ferica America"? BECAUSE THAT IS THE BEST THING I HAVE EVER HEARD SO PLEASE WRITE IN IT!!!!

Do you think that the real Erin Brokovich thought she was hot shit when she found out that Julia Roberts was going to play her? Because I totally would! I mean, she is not fug, but she is NOT Julia Roberts. Her friends were probably sooooo over her. They were probably like "hey, let's go out drinking tonight. But DON'T tell Erin because she is going to wear those damn hooker boots and play that Roy Orbissen song over and over and over again. There is just no living with her anymore."

Also.. I am SOOOOO over Desperate Housewives for a couple of reasons:
1. Teri Hatcher, you suck. And Susan? Ridiculous. Why do I want to watch a character who manages to turn EVERY SINGLE SITUATION AROUND SO IT IS ABOUT THEM when I can get that from certain friends any day of the week? Really, now that I've said it, it will be all that you notice. Also, Carrie on Sex and the City. Same thing (Ummm, remember when Samantha had CANCER and Carrie was complaining about that damn ballerina? YEAH.)
2. I hate Nicolette Sheridan's hair.
3. Never have I come across a show that tries so. Damn. Hard. To be quirky and edgy. And, it's just not. A show on ABC watched by mainstream America really can't be that good or innovative or smart, sorry. This is why not enough people watch Arrested Development; it is too smart, and the average American just isn't. This is not to say that if you like it you are stupid; sometimes you need to just watch mindless crap, and that is FINE. But it is not some big, creative, awesome show, at least not anymore.
4. I ABHORE the narrator's voice. Not so much the voice, but the cadence. She uses this ridiculous, like, dadadaDa, dadadaDA, dadadadaDA pattern for every single sentence. Annoying.

Hahahahah, did anyone watch SNL last night and hear the Monroe County shoutout?!?! It was in the Herald Times last week; abuot how the inmates at the prison are going to run out of toilet paper and they won't get anymore because they won't let the warden transfer money or something. I DIED. Because I do not really want anyone to know that I live here. This is like, Hazzard County sometimes. Indiana is like some weird, alternate universe of crazy.

And I will miss it terribly :)

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