Monday, April 10, 2006

Have you accepted this blog entry into your life?

Today I was walking to class and I saw the most ridiculous thing ever. Right outside of Ballentine (where the grad students have been protesting) there were two guys in suits sitting by a sign that said "ASK THE MORMON MISSIONARIES A QUESTION".

Could you be more lazy, please? Look, that's not how this works; I don't bring my wayward, sinning soul to YOU, you come to ME. What happened to the good old days when they went out and rode the C bus and pounded the pavement, looking for those sinners? They need to go to the people. I mean, we all know how I feel about proselytizing (if you need to advertise your religion...all I'm saying), but I get that part of Christianity is needing to "spread the word" and blah blah blah and I am secure enough in my beliefs not to be swayed by some guy on the bus who wants to give me a free bible (but bring hats or t-shirts and maybe we'll talk). But you need to put in the effort.

I can't believe that they don't understand that they annoy (and offend-sorry, it comes off as CRAZY arrogant regardless of your intent) people and that no one is going to actively seek them out; that's like the telemarketers setting up a kiosk in the mall and expecting people to stop by and express their dissatisfaction with their current long distance carrier. Ain't gonna happen. Oh, and for the record, I'm not picking on the Mormons, and i have friends who are Mormon and haven't told me (at least not to my face) that I'm on the highway to hell-this goes for everyone else out there it up for the Lord. ESPECIALLY the Jehovah's Witnesses who come to my house and ring a doorbell that's mere inches away from a mezuzah and see that my dad wears a yarmulke and STILL try to do their little song and dance. Dude...he already has the accessories. You're too late.

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