Thursday, August 31, 2006

Pop quiz, hotshot...

The reason Tucker Carlson looks so awkward in this promo for the new Dancing With The "Stars" is:
a.) He feels naked without the bow-tie
b.) He doesn't understand this whole "fun" concept.
c.) While his partner is pretty, she's no Ann Coulter.
d.) Tucker only has three emotions, and "angry" and "racist" would look even weirder.

There are so many things wrong with this crazy-ass picture, I wouldn't even know where to begin. Maybe with the fact that it kind of looks like the girl is grabbing for something (I SO want to make a joke about how I'm not surprised she's not finding anything there, but that would be crude so I won't). Or maybe the sexual predator-ish hold that he has on her upper arms. Or the way that she looks like she wants to eat you with her eyes. I know I've always given him a hard time for being so stuck-up, pompous, and basically ridiculous, but I'm not going to lie to you; laid-back Tucker freaks me the hell out. Someone do his top button, part the hair to the side, smack that smile off his face, and steal a bow-tie from 1929 so we can get our boy back.

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