Monday, November 13, 2006

If you recently bought stock in Kleenex, you're welcome

The wedding was a raging success and Amit and James are MARRIED. I can't believe this. I mean I was there, I saw the Ketubah being signed, I know it happened, but STILL. They are MARRIED. Like real married, not pretend. I think this is pretty much how everyone feels. My favorite quote from this was when we were lining up to go down the aisle and Amit's youngest brother, who was behind me, said "This is so weird-James is going to be like my brother-in-law."

And to answer everyone's burning questions, here we go:

Times I cried (this one's for Leah, you asked!):
-Wednesday evening driving home from work when I wrote a toast in the car during my commute (God bless the traffic here, I get a lot done) and used my coffee mug as a champagne flute for practice.
-Before the rehearsal-ish/Shabbas dinner
-During the rehearsal-ish/Shabbas dinner (like 2, 3 times TOPS)
-Driving home from the rehearsal-ish/Shabbas dinner
-When the make-up lady at the Prescriptives counter made me look like a hooker/drag queen
-ALMOST when I saw Amit's hair and make-up done (there was no actual spillage of tears, this doesn't count)
-As soon as Amit got the dress on
-When Amit and James first saw each other
-When they signed the Ketubah (honestly, I started crying when James' witness signed it, and I didn't even know the dude).
-When Amit walked down the aisle
-The entire ceremony
-When Amit's dad spoke
-When I gave my toast
-When Lindsay gave her toast

I'm sure there were more. I was really insane. Basically, this is how I spent my night

-Drinking (oh, here's a good story; someone at my table got us all shots of tequila, which I totally downed. Four minutes later I hear the band announce my name to give my toast. That could have gone very, very badly for me. Luckily the crying masked any possible word-slurrage.
-Hoisting my dress up; one of the bridesmaids, Shiri, and I were the only ones who left the trains on our dresses. Basically strangers kept on stepping on it and standing there, so I spent the evening draping it over my arm. AND doing the classy boob-tug thing; this was my first time wearing anything strapless since before puberty hit, for real. Granted, it could have been much worse (I think Natalie had to assure me that my dress wouldn't fall down while I walked down the aisle about 84 times a day in the past few months). But here's a lovely shot of me ruining a great Kodak moment:


For more pictures, check out the facebook. If we're not friends on the facebook, add me. If you don't know what the facebook is, please, join me in the 21st century.

(Sorry, that was mean. Here are a few more to make up for the bitchiness)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha jenn, thanks for the great description your crying moments. i seriously can't believe they are married either. like, we are not old enough to be married. its like they are playing dressup or somethign! but anywya, you look beautiful in the dress, despite the boob lifting, hehe. i feel your pain on that one! i'll be wearing a strapless dress for a wedding next year, and it will be interesting for sure. ok, thats enough from me, great blog!!