Tuesday, January 02, 2007

I...want...to... BREAK FREE!

Well, this is mildly disturbing. Hmm, mild. Much like the temperature outside in JANUARY. I didn't even wear a jacket today.

Basically, we're all going to die and possibly the world will explode. That's all. Have a great day, friends.

Oh, and here's an open letter to the US Postal Service that I really need to get out there:

Dear Post Office People,
So rain, sleet, dark, etc. won't stop you, but the calendar changing +a 93 year old guy dying = close up shop? NO NO NO. I needed to mail something VERY IMPORTANT today. You've failed me, postal workers of America. Ask FedEx what happened the last time they crossed me.

PS-They got some very disapproving looks from me, that's what. Also, I sighed very loudly, so they knew I was not pleased.
PPS-I didn't intend to sound mean. Just please open tomorrow, ok?
PPPS-President Ford is ruining my life.

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