Sunday, February 03, 2008

Bowl-ed Over

HA! I'm back! And I come bearing puns!

So I watched the Super Bowl. Here's what i have to say about that:

1. Tom Brady wears superfluous make-up (if that black stuff is to cut down the glare, why is it needed indoors, at night?). Also, he is SO PRETTY. Almost too pretty. Every time he got tackled I feared for his delicate facial bone structure.

2. Why did 90% of the commercials involve animals?

3. The whole dramatic "throw the red thing on the field to challenge a call" thing is fabulous, and I wish I could do it in life.

4. The Giants' uniforms are TERRIBLE. Why the red knee-socks?

5. Tom Petty still totally does it for me. I don't care if he's sporting a mountain-man beard, his smile kills me every time. Plus I'd like to share hair-straightening tips with him sometime.

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