Saturday, March 29, 2008

In poor taste

Dear Lisa on Top Chef,
Oh, I bet you think you're sooooooo very clever. Clever and sneaky. You might even be under the impression that you got away with that little thing you did with the eggs on episode 1. You probably didn't count on the Jewish girl who is learning to textually analyze media FOR A LIVING watching that episode, did you sweetheart? Well, she did and she's pissed off. Because, Lisa? The copy under that thing you made read like this: poached egg on toasted challah bread with lobster, spinach, hollandaise sauce & bacon. Yeah. No good, sister, no good. You have offended me by taking bread that my people use in religious ceremonies and smothering it with not one, but TWO of the the big super un-Kosher foodstuff. GROSS.


PS-to make it up to me and get in the spirit of the season, I think you should be forced to cook only with ingredients that are Kosher for Passover. I can't wait for your matzah/marshmallow twist/weird-ass jelly fruit thing souffle!

1 comment:

The Culture Vulture said...

They need to have a Pesach challenge. That would actually be super hard & interesting.