Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Astronomy Is For Boring People

Ok, so...if you or your loved one is an astronomist, please disregard the above title. I am merely bitter because I DO NOT UNDERSTAND ANY OF THIS CRAP AND I READ AND READ AND IT GOES RIGHT. THROUGH. MY. EARS. This is the case with most scientific/mathematical information. If my brain hears a number or the word "hypothesize"...is just quits and starts thinking about "Survivor" or taking naps or sometimes Vince Vaughn. You know, the important things in life.
I hate astronomy. I hate how my teacher looks so damn excited about blackbody radiators and I just can not get it up for him. I hate how this one guy keeps asking questions all of the damn time-it's a 2 hour class, I am sure the teacher will tell us everything that your little mind needs to know. I hate my astronomy book. I hate how every single handout that I get in that class has at least 4 typos on it.
I have been sitting here working on my astronomy project due tommorow for three hours and here is what I have to show for it:

(I put on ugly eye make-up and found my stila lip-gloss, in case you were wondering. This is all I have done. Then I took pictures. And obsessed for like 20 minutes about how ugly my crooked nose is at pretty much every single angle. Seriously, this is not a "please leave me a comment about how my nose is fine and beautiful..." although who am I to tell you what to do or what not to do. Seriously, look at the bridge of my nose. I broke it when I was like 10, and it has gotten worse and worse and worse. And if I wasn't such an effing baby, I would get it fixed.)
So to wrap it up? Astronomy is stupid. I shouldn't have to do this. There has got to be a freshman somewhere on this huge campus who I could pay to do this crap for me.


Anonymous said...

So, I'm thinking that the most important question here is: why in the world are you taking astronomy?! I was going to take astronomy one time, but then I found out that the classes were only at night. At first I was perplexed by this, but suddenly it all became clear....

jenn said...

OH MY GOD I WOULD KILL MYSELF IF PEOPLE THOUGHT I WAS TAKING ASTRONOMY ON MY OWN VOLITION!!!! we are required, in the j-school, to take 4 classes that qualify as natural and mathematics. astronomy seemed like the least scary. plus you would have to pretty much kill me to get me to step foot into a chemistry class. or physics. or biologygeographygeology etc. etc. so i am stuck with astro. and i keep wanting to call it astrology!!!!