Sunday, September 18, 2005

Brand new. Some might even say "spankin".

Ok, this looks waaaaaaay more sophisticated than xanga ( which, while we're on the subject, what does xanga mean anyway? So here is my fancy new blog. Please, peruse my former journal, which looks soooo passe and unsophisticated now ( but I love you anyway, lil guy)...

Please...don't hurt yourselves trying to be the first to comment in this beauteous thing. But, you should comment. Or else I won't write anything else. Then you will have to do work!!!!


Anonymous said...

i LOVE the new look! It must be the pink... and I think you should read "The Washingtonienne"- it could be about you- minus all the sex with government officials- but your blog is the best to read so you'd better keep writing. My life is not interesting so i must read about yours! love and miss you! hurry up and graduate- NOVA is no fun without you

jenn said...

see, this is why i love this girl-she implies that my blog is fun, that my life is interesting, and that i am somehow above sexing around with government officials (which...I don't now, I love me some Southern Democrats). Germity come back to IU we can sink the biz all day!!!