Thursday, October 20, 2005

Ain't too proud to beg...

sweet darlin.

OK STOP STOP STOP I promise to no more sacchrine (PUNPUNPUNSWEETPUNPUNSACCHRINE!! Send the Pulitzer to me straight away...)lyrics, just please take one moment out of your incredibly busy day to indulge your favorite person in all of Blog Land. Oh, speaking of which, and I totally wasn't going to bring this up, but since we are on the subject of blogs...

I NEED EVERY SINGLE PERSON WHO READS THIS TO PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE (firstbeatlealbumokiwillshutupaboutthedamnbeatlesnowsorrypleasedon'tgetmad) LEAVE ME A COMMENT ABOUT WHY YOU READ MY BLOG. OR ANY BLOG!! This is soooooooo important, for a story I am writing for magazine reporting. Seriously, I need everyone's help. I DO NOT CARE WHAT YOUR REASONS ARE, JUST FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS GOOD, TELL ME THEM! There are no stupid answers! Ok, not entirely true. I mean, if you write "because you suck" I might think that is stupid; for one thing I would think it was weird that you read someone's writings whom you hate, but also I don't think that the level of one's suck-itude really warrants reading their work. But tell me anything!! If your reason is "because I am bored", fine!! Or "because you tricked me into clicking that link, you jerk", right on! Or even "because I have a fetish for tall, big-footed journalism majors from northern virginia who will probably never graduate and loves green tea more than is really necessary and still has a secret crush on Tom Petty, even though he now looks like someone's grandmother a little bit", cool!! Well, ok, maybe not COOL in the sense that "oh, you've climbed Everest? Cool", but you know what I mean.

IF YOU DO NOT COMMENT then I will never forgive you, EVER. It will also make me look totally ridiculous to my professor, a 75 year old man who I had to first explain what a blog is to (he doesn't even use e-mail!! For reals, ya'll!!) and then I had to convince him that people actually read other people's blogs.

Seriously, I know who clicks on the link to visit this site. I will KNOW if you read this and don't comment. And then let the hate begin! No...I probably won't hate, but I will be so sad and it will be totally awkward if I ever see you at a cocktail party. No one wants that. If I don't know you, EVEN BETTER!!! Seriously, please just leave a comment. You can comment anonymously too!! I would prefer names (and since this is a "personal experience" type thing, I will probably only use first names, so do not fear about your identity being divulged to the world (aka, my mag prof. Maybe, MAYBE I might try to freelance this piece, but most likely not).



jenn said...

LOOK I even commented!! All of the cool kids are doing it!!

Samantha Wolov said...

i read yours because i'm usually bored and you're usually funny.

but i read a lot of dc art blogs because without them, the scene would fall to bits. the post DOES NOT COVER ART. they smell. i love the post, but they have terrible, terrible arts coverage. jessica dawson, john pancake (yes, thats his real name) et al can kiss my tush. we [the artists] know this, so we've taken it upon ourselves to take over. yes, these are primarily used as journalistic devices, but the scene is so small that it acts to enhance more of a sense of solidarity. networking, in a way. we all know each other. we may not all like each other, but we know each other, and it's more of a community.

so basically, the blogs serve to celebrate an arts community that no one else would celebrate otherwise.

see? now you don't have to beg. but calling me "sweet darling" doesn't hurt....

Anonymous said...

i read it because you lend humor to my life! 2 year olds are cute, but not funny. and also, james reads all these crazy technology blogs and political gossip blogs and i felt left out- so i read yours! and sometimes i even feel smarter for reading it- i learn crazy things

Anonymous said...

Tom Petty?! What happened to J. Dylan?

Anyways, for the assigned part of the comment:

I read your blog because I find it to be a very witty social commentary with an intellectual component that most media outlets cannot muster. Same reason I watch the Daily Show. Yep, that's right, you and Jon Stewart, one and the same to me.

I think that among individuals who are aware of blogs, there exists a type of love-hate relationship. Part of us wants to champion the citizen journalist who manages to produce untainted-by-Rupert-Murdoch thought. Drudge Report (although not a blog) comes to mind as a catalyst for the legitimate internet citizen journalist. Not long after, Wonkette and several other bloggers joined the picture.

There is, however, a darker side of blogging that troubles us as well: the prostitutes. These blogs-for-hire are paid by whomever (Nokia, the producers of the Dukes of Hazzard movie, Tom DeLay) to raise interest in products and issues. While some bloggers have attempted to lend legitimacy to this style of journalism (the Rather-gate bloggers maybe?), the growing number of “whore” blogs may serve to discredit this form of “journalism” (I use this term lightly) before blogging gets a chance to establish itself. Just think about if FOX News programming had come into being at the same time as “Meet the Press.” We would ignore all media because the fruitcakes are louder than the genuinely reliable news programming.

I know that was a fairly random tangent, but it is apparently something I'm passionate about (though I did not realize that until I started writing...)

Anonymous said...

wily minx.

did you hear the news?

jenn said...

oh, sorry, i guess i got way-laid. i am dying from the laughter right now.

I HEARD. have you or john talked to him?! did we even know he was dating someone?! is this a happy occasion or a "crap the condom broke occasion?!"