Monday, October 31, 2005

Some pretty to wash away the awful taste of the previous post

and also

I don't want to hear "oh my god Jenn is talking about the Beatles again, blah blah blah." I don't care. Just be silent and LOOK at how freaking cute he was.

PS: NO, this does not make me dorky/weird/lame. I am taking a 400 level class on the Beatles, which means all Beatles, all the time. Prior to two months ago? I really could not have cared less. Now? I wake up humming "Rain".

PPS: There is a limit to the love I will show towards Mr. Harrison, however. Did you know that people, like, write stories about the Beatles? Fictional, creepy, SEXUAL stories? That skeeves me out. I will stick to posting pictures of him in my blog like some 14 year old internet dork. Yeeeeeeah.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...