Sunday, October 16, 2005

Ummm...this is post is kind of boring. Sorry!!!

I get high with a little help from my friends.....

also, i am one goofy bastard, aren't I?!?!?

On to the boring!!!!

A - Age: 22

B - Band listening to right now: All beatles, all the time. I have a test tommorow on "Beatles for Sale", "Help!", and "Rubber Soul". I adore "Rubber Soul", ps. Seriously, best class I have ever taken, but it WILL be nice to listen to some other music one of these days (seriously, I can't...this is a 400 level class about EVERY Beatles song ever and it is awesome, but kind of exhausting.

C- Career of the future: what? you mean i am going to get to graduate someday?!?!??! YES!!!

D - Dad's name: George. I call him Jorge. He says he hates it. This matters not to me.

E - Easiest person to talk to: MYSELF

F - Favorite song at the moment: Tie: "Norweigan Wood", "Girl", both from Rubber Soul.

G - Gummy Bears or Gummy Worms: i HATE all things gummy. HATE. I am pretty much the only person in my family who feels this way though. The texture is so, so sick.

H - Hometown: Born in Washington, DC. Lived in Arlington, Alexandria, Annandale, and Burke VA.

I - Instruments: I pretended to play the clarinet in the 5th grade. the idea of licking that reed and then putting it in your mouth kind of squicks me out. I mean, I know a lot of my readers enjoy a nice, wet, piece of wood in their mouths, but...yeah, I went there. it was totally inevitable, though.

J - Job title: Shut up, now you are being a bastard.

K - Kids: I want to have like five kids. I really, really want to one-up my mom. So I can always say "No, you DON'T know how hard this is!! YOU only had FOUR kids!!"Yeah, I am pretty much counting on a life of drama already.

L - Last person you talked to on phone: The Lizard.

M - Mom's name: Eileen. Do my parents have the most grown-up names you have EVER heard? They totally do.

N - Number of siblings: 3. Liz, aka, The Lizard, aka, Tic-Toc, aka, Iz, age 19. Caroline, aka, Thud (i'mokay), aka CareBear, age 13. Josh, aka JoshMan, aka, Notorious JMB, age 11.

O - Oldest sibling: That would be me, ya'll.

P - Phobia[s]: HEIGHTS. ohmygodsososcared of ferris wheels.

Q - Favourite Quote: "And in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make" and "Once in a while you can get shown the light, in the strangest of places if you look at it right"

S - Sibling(s) name: Um, see above, jigga.

T - Time you wake up: I....didn't go to sleep. Come on, now, you know me.

U - Unknown fact about me: I would totally do every male character on Arrested Development. George Michael and Henry Winkler included. Seriously. Oh come on, you would too. Funny men=kind of hot even if they are weird looking.

V- Vegetables you hate: MUSHROOMS. Fungi are not welcome in my salads.

W - Worst habit: Opening up diet pepsi cans, taking one sip, then putting it down somewhere in my room and totally forgetting about it.

X - X-rays you've had: ahahahah, a billion and twelve. Plus an MRI on my knee and it totally was pulling on my braces. The best x-rays ever, though, are chest x-rays. Every time I go to the hospital with breathing problems, i have to do one, and, let me tell you this; if you are a woman, or maybe you just happen to own a pair of breasts, then you better mentally prepare yourself for that shit now, should you ever have to do one. Because this is what it entails: Take of all clothes from the waist up, including bra. Put on crazy gown. Go out to the technician. Put on that little ovary-protecting lead apron thing. And then......grab your breats, lift, seperate, and press up against a wall type thing. Yeah, y'heard. It's better if the technician is an Indiana man with two teeth, by the way. it's not at all awkward to have a guy like that watch you AS YOU POSITION YOUR BREASTS AGAINST THE X-RAY BOARD. I'm still having nightmares.

Y - Yummy food: vegetarian sushi!!!!! but only cucumber/carrots. avocado makes me die inside. a fattening vegetable which tastes like chalk? no thanks.

Z - Zodiac sign: Taurus. And that's no bull. AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA, puns!!!!!!!!
Also, I would just like to say that the Colbert Report warms my heart. And not just because I think broadcast "journalists" are little more than monkeys with hairpieces!!! Which I totally don't think and I definitely don't snicker to myself every time I hear someone in one of my journalism classes say that's their concentration, nor do I mutter "get your ass over to the telecom school and stop wasting my time.....loser".
I also HATE that motorola commercial with all of the musicians in the phonebooth. Because, why are you making fun of Biggie? He is dead, ya'll. That is so mean. But what can you expect when you invite Bootsie Collins to your phonebooth party? I'm no Hollywood expert. But I will say that he was the inspiration for the Regina George character in "Mean Girls". Bootsie, you are a bitch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

First of all, total stream of consciousness post. I'm loving it. Secondly, there is no way Josh is 11. Nope. Not havin' it. And Liz, 19? Uh uh. Boycotting that one too. See, what I am learning in school is socially constructed reality, and how all reality is socially constructed and there is no "capital R" Reality, there is simply everyone's individual "lowercase r" reality which is constructed by society. So, in my reality, Josh is 3, Liz is 11 (is my math right?) and I am a princess. Coo coo ca choo.