Thursday, December 22, 2005

I'm not totally convinced it's worth 1000 words

Ok, who remembers when I almost lost Mr. Espinosa to hypothermia in January of 2003ish when I made him pose in Dunn Meadow for appx. 34 hours for that damn photojournalism class? And then we went to lunch somewhere on Kirkwood and I totally accidentally exposed the film for about the 14th time because it was a manual camera and, as I am not living in 1957, I am not accustomed to manual cameras? Well, if you don't remember, it was pretty bad. He was so good though, I didn't know what I was doing and I made him pose in these ridiculous angles (on this one I think he is actually standing up on an icy railing outside the Chemistry building, where he worked and could very well run into people that he knew.) I also did a whole photo shoot inside Eric's lab, a series of pictures that I entitled "AAAAAAAAH how do I make the light not look yellow and oh crap I just exposed the film AGAIN!!" It was terrible for everyone involved.

WELL, I was talking to people in my magazine reporting class the other day-they are all younger than me, I was a year ahead-and we started talking about this class (it's required of all journalism majors) and guess what I learned? THE SEMESTER AFTER I (and like a bajillion of my friends) took this class, THEY SWITCHED ENTIRELY TO DIGITAL. And, to make it a shitload worse, THEY DON'T HAVE DISCUSSION SECTIONS ANYMORE!!!! Yeah. I am serious. AND AND AND NONE OF THEM HAD THE STEVE!!!! I DON'T THINK HE TEACHES IT ANYMORE!! True, he was the reason that I got to meet and bond with The Jillian, and for that I am greatful, but he was also the most insane non-human walking the planet. I knew that for a fact when he bragged to the class that when he was at some airport in Africa when a BOMB exploded and people were lying there dying and he....TOOK OUT HIS CAMERA. This was not something that he happened to discover while he was working and decided to document. He was traveling, a patron of the airport, and he chose not to help dying people on the floor of the terminal. Aces. This was the one time when I seriously considered a change in career paths. Because as the daughter of two lawyers, I know how it is to be in a profession where people view you as a soul-less ( and I don't mean in the r&b sense, people) leech.

And on a completely unrelated note, I'd like you all to know that I still suffer from extreme delusions of grandeur. As you can see from the picture at right, in my head I believe that I can play the guitar, and also look GREAT without my hair brushed or make-up applied ( and I'm fairly certain that there's no bra underneath that classy Jack Daniel's t-shirt, but that's neither here nor there- anyway, it's obstructed by that instrument that I don't even know how to hold yet somehow convinced myself I could play). I forced my brother to document this act, by the way. I never once said that I don't sometimes suck, you guys. If you want to call me a loser, it does not do much to my psyche; in fact, I will even provide the photographic evidence for you.

I kick ass with a camera.

1 comment:

Samantha Wolov said...

so here's a story for you: there's this really famous photograph of a starving african child, lying face-down in the dirt with flies all over him, and a vulture lurking a few feet away in the background. i think it's won several awards, but i'm not certain, anyway, the photographer who took it became very famous for it, but everyone was so focused on the image that they didn't care that AFTER he took the picture, he scooped up the child and moved him to a safer area. at least, safer in the no-vulture sense (oh dear LORD that's awful). anyway, no one hears that he was a good samaritan after the fact, or at least didn't care, so for years, he gets hate mail accusing him of being a heartless bastard who exploited a child and a tragic, tragic situation for his own professional and artistic gain. he is so distraught that scenes like that could actually be captured, and that he couldn't do more than he could, and that people still thought he was a terrible person even though he tried to help the child that he committed suicide because of it. so if you know anyone who knows that steve character, or whoever was the one who took pictures amidst the dying bodies in the airport, you can relay that story, and hope he gets sick from eating too much humble pie.

man, i hate asshats like that.