Friday, January 06, 2006

Please accept this in lieu of a clever, kicky New Years post. This blog is stressing me out, man. I have started about 6 different entries in the past week and they are all very lame (one was about "West Side Story". Good lord.) This upcoming week is going to be so terrible I can not even mention it without crying and throwing myself on the floor, scratching at the linoleum in pure, primal, mental anguish. Another 18 credits this semester, and I have like 15 minutes between classes that are more than a 15 minute walk apart. In the winter. So...yeah. There might be a lack of blogging for a little while. But fear not! Sooner or later someone (oh Bush, I'm looking at you, baby) is bound to do something so asinine that I won't be able to avoid the urge to write a billion words on it that no one will read.

ALSO: in a well thought-out effort to get me to shut up about the Beatles for 10 seconds and distract me, my parents gave me this for Channukah (in addition to the re-release of "All Things Must Pass"). Yeah. I LOVE THEM. LOVE. So unfortunately for all of you out there in cyber-space who thought that you would never have to hear about The Beatles again...we're just getting started with the solo careers, kiddies. Suck it up. And enjoy another photo of Mr. Harrison.
And on a completely unrelated and random note, I just came to the decision that in addition to being at least 6 foot 7, my future husband will be forbidden from having shinier, more manageable hair than me. And from wearing it in a half-up, half-down fashion.

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