Monday, December 26, 2005

*Insert pun of Go-Go's hit song here*

HA I can't believe that I forgot to mention this incident. Ok, so when it gets cold, my lips split and bleed and it is gross and the only thing that I have found that actually works is this Neutrogena stuff that costs like 10 dollars for a tiny tiny thing of it. Well, apparently I didn't use enough of it during my annual autumm pre-emptive strike because my bottom lip cracked and it is nice and painful. I searched through my digital camera to find a picture from this week so I could post it and show everyone (and I am not going to take pictures of myself right now because, well, it always makes me feel kind of lame to do that). But I have some pictures from the other night when I let Tara take pictures of what I THOUGHT was a nice make-up night for me (but in actuality the new eye-shadow made me look like an alien-but that's a tale for another blog entry). Anyway what I discovered was that I have no clear shots of the damage AS I NEVER LET ANYONE PHOTOGRAPH ME HEAD ON DUE TO HOW MUCH I HATE MY MOTHERLOVING NOSE and the right side is for sure out of the question for the same reason (you can kind of see from the above picture, its crooked towards the right and HATE. HATE for my nose). I broke it years ago, insurance will pay for me to have it fixed, and I had kind of psyched myself into doing it until my mother and sister made me watch the Nip/Tuck finale with them and now there isn't a sparrow's chance in hell. I totally made up that phrase just now as I typed it. I don't know where it came from. I couldn't even identify a sparrow if I tried. So this is the best shot I have, it's on the right side of my bottom lip, and the injury is kind of masked by lip-gloss so WHATEVER. The point is it's there, it hurts, and if I have nothing on my lips and I'm not doing crazy-ass poses, it's very visible.

SO the point of that extremely verbose set-up is to tell you what happened when I got to the airport in Indy last week. I was checking in my luggage at the USAir counter, which I was flying for the first time, by the way ( and I've given them a clever, witty nickname as well: USThisairlinesucksassneverflythem. I hated them, you guys, HATE. The plane was one of thise 15 rows, one seat on one side and two on the other dealies and oh my god, I'm 5'9, NOT that tall, and I had to BEND DOWN when I was standing up on that plane. Horrific. Also, speaking of height, why was the Elon backetball team in Indy last week? I saw them at the airport; they're for sure not Big Ten...did they get lost? Anyway, they are all CRAZY short!! The tallest one couldn't be more than like 6'4. I don't know anything about them, but I imagine a game against those guys looks suspiciously like a cruel game of monkey in the middle with tall guys keeping the ball away from these shorties.)

OK, so I am checking my bag and the lady looks up at me and sees my lip and says "Ouch! Your lip looks painful. Did your boyfriend get angry or something?" and THEN SHE LAUGHED! It warms my heart during this holiday season to know that even in this politically correct world where people who aren't Christian have the NERVE not to wish everyone a Merry Christmas* there are still good folks who find the humor in domestic abuse. GOD BLESS AMERICA!

*(oh, I'm not letting this go, you guys. In fact, expect a ressurgance of this in a couple of months when the movie of The Da Vinci Code comes out and the same people who pulled out the First Ammendment in order to FORCE people to say religious things complain and want the movie censored. I LOVE the smell of hypocrisy in the morning!)

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