Thursday, February 02, 2006

Apparently, I was the one who wasn't Y2K compatible.

I broke my computer. The hard drive just plain DIED; one minute everything was totally copasetic and I left it in my room. Came back and it had some crazy ass message on the screen. Long story short, some guy named Andrew from hp who kind of sounded Indian until he said my name, and then he was a total Frenchman (“Jean-ee-fair”) and who seemed totally inappropriate when he was telling me to keep pressing the F8 key over and over again as I was re-booting (“keep doing it, keep doing it, don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t stop!”) is sending me a replacement hard drive. THAT I HAVE TO INSTALL BY MYSELF. I don’t even own a screwdriver- I have to literally go purchase one for this arduous task.

So I’m losing everything on my hard drive. All of this drama went down at around 11 pm, as I was gearing up to study for the TWO SCIENCE EXAMS THAT I HAD TODAY and lasted until about 2 am. Oh yeah, I was TOTALLY prepared for my tests. So at 2 am I decide to take a shower and wash my hair. Because when life gets way too hard, you should always deep-condition, that’s what I like to say. So as I am exfoliating my face a little too violently, I start thinking about what I will lose. And basically, all of my pictures from august until now are history. Everything that I wrote is gone (stuff for my literary journalism class got sent out to the entire class, so I have copies in e-mails at least. And my music? Gone. But, oh, don’t worry! I said to myself. You bought that program that gets the music off your iPod and onto the computer! All is not lost! And then I remembered that the last time I updated my iPod, I got tired of picking and choosing which of the 2899 songs on my computer to put on the iPod that only holds appx. 1075, so I JUST PUT ON THE PLAYLIST WITH MY MUSIC FOR MY ROCK HISTORY CLASS AND ONE OTHER PLAYLIST WITH ABOUT 20 OTHER SONGS. Everything else is gone.

But I still didn’t completely lose it because I figured that at least I had the music I really loved and needed to listen to for class. At least I have The Beatles! Except… I TOTALLY DON’T. I have about 4 songs. Out of hundreds. Oh, but not to worry! I have the CD’s here, right? Right?!?!?!

NO. NO I DO NOT. I HAVE THE WHITE ALBUM PRAISE GOD AND SOME OTHERS BUT NO REVOLVER!! No Sgt. Pepper, you guys. No George Harrison solo albums. All of these I brilliantly left home in an attempt to “pack lightly” when I came back from break (yet I packed 4 different jackets. WHAT AM I DOING IN LIFE.) because I figured they were on my computer and iPod so everything is cool. I want to just cry a million tears. I can’t go for more than 2 days without listening to “And Your Bird Can Sing” or “Doctor Robert”. I am physically incapable.

I don’t know what to do with this. Besides the glaringly obvious fact that there isn’t a chance in hell that I will be able to assemble a hard drive once it does get here, how am I expected to live without my laptop for over a week? I AM ALL ALONE HERE TO BEGIN WITH, AT LEAST BEFORE I HAD THE INTERNET TO KEEP ME COMPANY. No 4 am instant messages (with pictures! To show FEELINGS!) with Dan. Where am I supposed to look when I need to diagnose a disease? I have a huge project due on Anderson Cooper on Tuesday. I will have to spend my weekend at the Union using one of their computers because I am like a little orphan, with no technology of my own.

This might literally be the worst thing ever to happen to human beings.

DISCLAIMER: I keep trying to re-read this to see if I even formulated complete sentences, but I totally can't, as I am distracted by both the fact that I got a whopping 1.5 hours of sleep last night, AND by the fact that the rain has caused my hair to completely morph textures-it pretty much looks I have a perm right now, not kidding, tis BAD NEWS, AND the fact that I can't believe that I actually remembered Koch's postulates regarding vaccination/the 4 diseases caused by herpes/anything really for my Plagues and Viruses test this morning. AND I'm confused by the guy sitting across from me in the computer lab who looks and is dressed exactly like the guy from "Fast Times At Ridgemont High" how gets Jennifer Jason Leigh pregnant-you know, the one who scalps the tickets? So don't judge me based on this entry, please. In fact, don't judge me at all-think about how I apparently have the power to break electronic devices using just my MIND.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jennifer Rachel,
Don't worry about this. Technology is for ugly people. Or people who are BORING. It's a damn shame that you can't connect to the Internet using charm alone.

-If you're interested, I might be willing to sing Beatles songs to you over the phone for a nominal fee. Think about it.