Friday, June 16, 2006

I'd make a joke about a hairy situation, but I feel like I owe you more than that

Dear Internet,
I apologize for the lack of blogging as of late. Things have been a little ridiculous. Mainly with Big Giant Personal Problems That I Don't Discuss In The Blog So As To Perpetuate The Image That My Life Is All Laughing At Hilarious Reality Television, Playing With The Giant Puppy Beast, And Also A Little Bit Of Obsessing Over Dead 60's Pop Icons. But also with some minor, less serious things.

Like buying a purse that I am terrified to use because it is way too fancy for me and I am sure to ruin it with a spilled chai latte or some rogue, un-capped lipgloss or maybe with the coolant exploding in Big Red (oops-already happened, and it's green if you didn't know). Would it be weird if I just kept it in the big Coach box and fashioned a strap to that? I'd feel much more comfortable.

Or witnessing a major entertainment watershed moment during last Thursday's now infamous Dateline interview. I'm referring, of course, to Matt Lauer's belief that it's ok for him to wear loafers without socks on national television (it's not, by the way-I don't care "Where In The World" you are, Mr. Lauer)

Or losing BOTH of my hair straighteners in one week, rendering my new choppy haircut un-styled, thus allowing for the emergence of the mythical Jew-fro:

As you can see, things are hectic. But I promise to be better in the future. Things will be better once I find my damn hair straighteners. Bad hair just is not conducive to brilliant writing.

Naturally, there are always exceptions.

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