Tuesday, August 29, 2006


In my 7 days of being jobless, I have:
1. Found out that in 14 days I will be car-less
2. Tried unsuccessfully to get my brother to sing the James Taylor part of "Mockingbird" so we could duet. Not to be deterred, I instead danced around the living room, played the song 8 consecutive times and sang it myself using a blue rubber dog bone as a microphone (I know I looked/sounded just like Carly, I know it!).
3. Refreshed the job listings on Monster and the Post's website so many times that the clickiness of my mouse is wearing down
4. Spent 150 dollars on a hair straightener. Because that's what you do when you have no income.
5. Started writing 2 novels.
6. Abandoned writing 2 novels.
7. Seriously considered contacting the Better Business Bureau when the Papa John's delivery guy called me "sweetheart" (it was just totally unnecessary, all I'm saying).
8. Got lost for about an hour on the George Mason campus when I took Natalie to return some books.
9. Basically stole a map from a freshman on said campus who was using it to find some building.

And right now I am watching an episode of "American Justice" about Lorena Bobbit. Why are all the crazies from Northern Virginia, guys?


Samantha Wolov said...

wanna swap "we-are-awesomely-brilliant-now-why-don't-we-have-jobs?" stories?

jenn said...

what is UP with that?!?! there should have been like 40 potential employers with "x amount of days until sam and jenn graduate" countdown clocks. we are skilled AND fun. something's wrong here.

Samantha Wolov said...

oh man, vogue would HATE me. see, they have this silly idea that models should wear clothes, and that's kinda against my religion. though i did send an open application to condé nast....

so, about three of the 23098532 jobs i've applied for reposted the job listing, which is incredibly depressing. i actually re-applied, and essentially said, "yo, i may be young, but i'm fuckin' AWESOME. meet with me and i'll prove it."

to where are you actually applying? or at least looking? if you get stuck, will you move to san fran and get all bohemian with me?