Wednesday, November 08, 2006



Turn, and face the strange. I know we still don't have total confirmation on the Senate, but the Democrats took back the House (first time in TWELVE years) and that's good enough. Because after my fellow Americans RE-ELECTED Captain Moron in 2004, I almost lost complete faith in him. The first time was enough; I could tell he was an idiot by the fact that he couldn't formulate words, but maybe everyone else in the country wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. But after he invented a fake war and lied about weapons, I really thought people would get the memo, and they did not. But everything's looking sunnier again! And I must refer to my dear friend Suzanne, whose away message last night was one of the best I've ever seen: "I'm choosing to take the the Spears-Federline breakup as a sign that people are making good decisions today".

Most of the Democrats who took over incumbent Republican seats are actually very, very moderate, some almost conservative- and that is FINE by me. Because I'm going to let you all in on a little secret: while threats to women's reproductie rights and the idea that two people who love each other can't get married and the whole stem cell debacle certainly suck, WE'VE GOT BIGGER ISSUES GUYS. The way the Republican party blew up the gay marriage thing to take attention away from the fact that we have invaded a country that had no weapons and has NO ties to al Qaeda should be construed as a hate crime. And the fact that some crazies don't "believe" in evolution won't matter when we're all bombed back into the Stone Age by North Korea.

Ok, enough. On to more important things. I have a new review on that I'm fairly sure is poorly written, but whatevs.

Also, Britney? Mazel-tov.

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