Sunday, December 10, 2006

Oh Fidel, you're SO next

So Pinochet died today. If you had no clue there was such a person, don't feel bad. He's one of those dudes/events that most high-schools in the US have deemed not necessary to learn about, kind of like the Iranian hostage situation. Whatever, we're like, miles and miles from Chile. 'Tis understandable.

In other news, I am so that girl. You know, the one who spends 17 bucks on a cake for her dog to commemorate the one year anniversary of his adoption. Enjoy the photographic evidence of my lameness, please:

Then I gave him a bone, which was bigger than his arm, but was apparently quite enjoyable.

And I was clearly exhausted from my Adoption Day Party planning.

If you guys tell anyone about this, I will hunt you down. This would RUIN my street cred.

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