Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Zoom, Zoom

My brother is a rock star. A little, mini 7th grade rock star, but a rock star nonetheless

OK, last night when I heard the news about Ford, I knew, I KNEW, that some jackass headline writer somewhere (ok, actually more than one) would write "Ford Tough" or some equivalent as the hed on a story about him. So what do I see this evening on some random station? Yes, exactly. I knew it, and I should have said something last night so today you would all be praising my genius. I knew this because when I worked at TIME in London, I wrote dozens of photo captions and heds and photo-leads every week, and if there was some kind of pun/pop-cultural reference to be made, I was all over it.

So, my site-counter for this blog (which I think is broken and doesn't really work) tells me when people find my blog by googling things. It's almost always people googling the Beatles (but weirdly enough, this entry gets a lot of hits-people are really into researching "Hair of the Dog", apparently). But I just need to say, without looking like some weirdo Internet stalker, to the person who googled "jakob dylan, jew-fro" and found my blog: I really, really hope you've stuck around. I feel like we should be friends.

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