Wednesday, January 24, 2007

...and this is why I'll just never be able to breathe out of my nose in my entire life

Because I don't want to end up like Katie Holmes:



I need to have my broken, Rocky Balboa-esque nose fixed. They've been telling me this since I was like 14. I can't breathe out of my nose, and apparently that's essential or something (I'll admit, I didn't realize that everyone else can close their mouths and still intake oxygen until fairly recently, but apparently they can). So I can't breathe when I close my lips (and also my upper lip does not comfortably sit right on top of my lower one; they way they're shaped my lips are always kind of naturally parted) AND I just found out that it's giving me cavities. I never had a single one until like a year ago and I almost started crying to my dentist because HELLO I am obsessive about dental hygiene-electric toothbrush, floss, fluoride mouth rinses, gum stimulator (yeah...I stimulate my gums, shut your gross mouth right up please), the whole deal. And then he was talking to me about it and all of a sudden he was like "do you close your mouth" and I was like "listen, if I'm talking too much just let me know, jerk-face" and then he was like "I'm just asking because if you breathe exclusively out of your mouth then the saliva dries up and doesn't coat your mouth or something gross and don't call me jerk-face, please" and I was all "ewww, that's disgusting, please let me die now and also I will call you whatever I please, you charge me 8 billion dollars, thanks."

But I am SO SCARED to do this, because what if I end up like Mrs. Cruise?! My nose is crazy shaped but kind of small, and if it gets messed up there's not like a lot to work with. But insurance will cover it, and you know I'm all about as many free surgeries as possible. Advice, please.


Anonymous said...

Is it just a deviated septum that they would want to fix? B/c I had to have that done in high school (I couldn't breathe out of my nose either) and they fixed it without having to change the appearance of my nose...

jenn said...

KIND of-yeah, it's a deviated septum, but it's from breaking my nose and never seeking medical attention (with all of the complaining and hysterionics of my life, why I didn't make a bigger deal out of it when it happened is beyond me), not from being born with it like the majority of people. It's REALLY visibly deviated, especially from straight ahead, it curves like an S. So it would look a little different, which is cool with me because I hate looking like a prize-fighter. But please please tell me about it, because I am scared to do it and I need to! Did it hurt? And did you like your doctor? And if so, who was it because I just facebook stalked you and your nose does look excellent?

Anonymous said...

Mine was something I was born with. To be honest, it hurt a lot. BUT, my doctor didn't think he would have to break my septum, ended up having to and the surgery took a lot longer than expected so I think it hurt more b/c the anesthesia was wearing off or something (and that is my intelligent medical opinion) :o) It wasn't too bad after the first day, but do beware that you have these nasty blood clots that will randomly fall out of your nose for about a week or so after and you have to be ready to run to the bathroom (I remember one almost came out when I was in Senora Munoz's class, do you remember her???) Oh, and my dr's name was O'Halloran. He was great!