You didn't brace yourself like I told you to, did you? And now you've probably fallen to the floor. Serves you right. Really, the nudity should be the focus, and yet I find myself drawn to the look of longing in his eyes. Is it for the horse? For the light source? For any kind of acting ability, ANY AT ALL? Who's to say. All I know is that this is quite possibly the greatest photograph in the history of the world, and I am so thankful that it has come into my life.
Also, Sienna?

Going outside without your pants is not "Bohemian". It's something that 95 year old men do once the dementia has sufficiently rotted their brains (although I don't think any of them would do it whilst wearing their grandmothers' support garments, but different strokes).
i dont understand why sienna miller exists.
You know, I agree with a lot of what you say, Ms. Wolov, but you have truly hit the nail on the proverbial head this time. Why DOES she exist? I think the answer is "to drive me batshit crazy with her ridiculousness", but that might be a tad egocentric.
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