Monday, February 05, 2007

"I only wanted 2 see u bathing in the purple rain"

Say what you will, I totally dug Prince's Super Bowl halftime performance (and his commitment to utilizing superfluous dancing women dressed in 80's clothes in his act). Technically, he is a GREAT guitarist. He was just unfortunate to have his heyday come at a time when Total Cheeseball was the mode du jour. I also love that he wears heels all the time; if I was a tiny man, I'd do the same thing.

I think my favorite part of the entire game was when the announcer said something like "when the weather gets like this, you see all sorts of creative ways that people come up with to stay dry" as the camera panned the crowd of like 8 billion people all wearing the same clear rain ponchos. Are they not designed just for that purpose?

1 comment:

The Culture Vulture said...

Pssh...I'm sorry, everyone wants to hate on Prince in public but then they go home & secretly groove the shit out of "Raspberry Berat", "Little Red Corvette" or "Cream". Who doesn't start dancing when the latter comes on? And honestly, all his crazy ass costumes aside, he's a great performer & a bad-ass axe-man, he can really shred it up on his guitar. He has the last laugh, I mean his last tour this year completely sold out! Now if only he weren't a crazy Jehovas Witness...
