I am ashamed that I even know who you are. Also, my mom thought your actual last name was "McPheever", but that's neither here nor there. What I need to tell you is this: If there's ever a time to act cutesy and aloof, it's not when you are holding blades near a dude's neck. Just because they don't have enough self respect to turn down a job that requires them to cavort in public sans shirts doesn't mean it's ok for you to slice their jugulars.
Considering that his female counterparts at this event were dyed, waxed, plucked, shaved, and starved all before even putting on their far more elaborate articles of clothing, the fact that he couldn't be bothered to tie that damn thing just makes me angry.
So apparently even cute young Jewish rappers will eventually turn into old Jewish men. Oh, Beastie Boys, this saddens me greatly. I think I might have even lost the will to fight. For my right. To party.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that if you feel the need to walk around with your hand down your pants, maybe try to not look like a serial killer while you're doing it.
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