Sunday, March 25, 2007

Thinking up a title is requiring more energy than I'm willing to expend...

Ever since it was revealed that Callie's real name is Calliope, I have a hard time watching Grey's Anatomy without singing Bruce Springsteen's "Blinded by the Light" ("with this very unpleasin', sneezin' and wheezin, the calliope crashed to the ground"). I know what you're thinking, but you'd be wrong; though Manfred Mann's version is the more oft-played one, it was originally written and recorded by The Boss.

And this, friends, is exactly why I've been AWOL from blogging lately. I HAVE NOTHING AT ALL INTERESTING TO SAY.

I'm going to go ahead and blame this on my having to quit caffeine. I'm blaming everything on this. When my doctor told me I should (oh, and ps-it's not for anything scary, like heart problems or blood pressure or migraines, just something that I don't feel like I need to broadcast all over the world wide web), I literally felt a panic attack coming on, like my cheeks flushed and I could feel my heart beating in my ears. I have to be AT WORK and LUCID at 7am IN THE MORNING, in OAKTON WHICH IS VERY VERY VERY VERY FAR AWAY. OH AND HAVE WE TALKED ABOUT MY SLEEPING ISSUES, WHICH CAUSE ME TO GO TO BED AT LIKE 3? BECAUSE SERIOUSLY, THAT'S A FACT. Prior to last Friday (and I basically quit cold turkey, which we'll talk about more in a minute), my routine was this: drink one can of Starbucks iced light coffee at 6:30 am in the car, drink one can of Diet Dr. Pepper at work at like 8-ish, Starbucks run sometime between 9 am and 2pm, more Dr. Pepper in the afternoon. Now that I see it written out, it seems a bit excessive. But, guys, I'm the chick who had ONE class before 11:15am all through college and it was at 9:05 in the basement of the library and I couldn't open my eyes at all, through the entire class.

Now, I quit coffee once before, but I did it gently. I started bringing a thermos of black coffee to school every morning when I was 15(this is one of the positive aspects of reaching your adult height before you're 12-not having to worry about stunting your growth. The negatives include creepy old men hitting on you and not being able to fit your legs under the desks in your 6th grade classroom). I basically stopped drinking it every day my sophomore year in college. I picked it up again when I started this job in October. I completely forgot about the withdrawal symptoms.

And because this time I'm cutting out ALL caffeine, including chocolate and diet soda, I'm feeling it harder. Last week I was SO MEAN to everyone and my head hurt and I cried at least 6 times (to be fair, one of the times was because of the headache, so there you go). It's a little easier this week, but still. Last night I actually dreamt I was drinking a regular Coke in all it's caffeinated splendor. And I had to wake up and drink water on my way to work because life. Is. Cruel.

Oh, also, drive-thru lady at the Taco Bell in Fair Lakes: I'm still not totally sure why my asking if your Diet Pepsi was caffeine free resulted in your uncontrollable laughter, but you're so very lucky that my arms weren't long enough to reach into your little window and squirt hot sauce in your eye.

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