Sunday, April 01, 2007

Eight Embarassing Facts About Jenn

1. I have a minor yet palpable crush on Toby from The Office.
2. I knit. As in scarves and blankets. In my defense, I do it while watching TV because my inability to focus on one thing prohibits me from just sitting there watching the screen. I have to be doing something else.
3. I'm scared of Ferris wheels, revolving doors, and car accidents. When I was like 15, I for some reason became really scared of vampires and I'd constantly check my closet doors. I'm not sure why I was IN HIGH-SCHOOL and afraid of vampires, or why I thought vampires hid in closets, but there you go.
4. I have a semi-serious fight with my pharmacy at least once every two weeks. Those people are just. KILLING ME. Part of the problem stems from the fact that they have two separate accounts for me in their system that I have been trying to get them to fix for about FIVE years now (when I went to school in Indiana, the pharmacy in Bloomington started a new profile for me or something), so every time I call and tell them I need a refill they'll be like "oh, no, you don't have any refills" and I'll say "yes I do, you're looking at the wrong account" and then they'll say no and then I will burst a blood vessel. In January the pharmacist actually made me cry when, because of some stupid loophole in their ridiculous policy, even though I had three refills left on my inhaler I couldn't fill them without a new scrip from my doctor. I cried and there was an uncomfortable silence and I hung up on him.
5. Speaking of which, I'm a total crier in general. I cry at movies, songs, during normal, adult arguments. I cried at the end of every single summer that I worked as a camp counselor. My most embarrassing cry had to be when Billy died on Ally McBeal. But I'm not sure that the crying was what's embarrassing about that story, or the fact that I was still watching Ally McBeal a good three seasons after the rest of the world stopped caring.
6. I don't know why, but I'm rooting for Tori Spelling. I'm glad that she's reconciling with her mom and that she has a new baby and I think that she's actually a good person with an unfortunate boob job.
7. And speaking of even more embarrassing prime time TV moments in my life, I was hardcore into 90210 when I was in 7th grade and I totally watched the Very Special Episode when Donna finally loses her Last Living Virgin In Beverly Hills title to David the night of their college graduation (and I remember she was wearing this ridiculously gaudy all-white lingerie and there were a billion candles everywhere-it kind of looked like some kind of cult ritual).
8. I have really bad road rage. I yell and I curse and I lean on my horn and I sometimes, SOMETIMES extend my middle finger (I wait until I've sped away angrily and the other driver can't see, but still). People here are TERRIBLE TERRIBLE DRIVERS. It's no one's fault, actually. It's just really unfortunate that all of these poor people were tricked into buying cars without turn signals. Because what other reason could they possibly have for not letting me know when they plan to enter my lane at 70mph on the beltway?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

jenn! i was totally still watching Ally McBeal when Billy died, and I even watched it all the way to the end when Ally had this magical daughter all of a sudden and the show just went bad. But I cried so much too when Billy died! And I was so sad when Robert Downey Jr got arrested because that meant Larry would have to leave Ally and that just wasn't fair! haha. Yea, I was a bit obsessed. Its my all time favorite show. And it pisses me off to no end that it is not out of DVD in the US, but it is in Europe! Damn Region 2 Dvds.