Sunday, July 01, 2007

Stop and smell the...disposable razors?

I use these razors:

No, it's not Hair Removal Sunday. And I'm not being paid to endorse them by BIC (but should BIC want to pay me, I will whore it out for them so fast their little pivoting razor heads will spin). The purpose of me sharing this with you is to preface a little story. So today I go to pick up some of these razors at Target. Now, I notice that right next to the usual kind of "Soleil" razors is what looks to be a package of the same razors, just in a different purple-y color. So I buy them. I'm adventurous. I like purple. What's the harm, right? WRONG.

I was just about to take a shower, so I grabbed the package of razors and that's when I noticed it. These were not my usual razors in a different color scheme. No, these were far more sinister.

These were razors with scented handles.

Let's list why this is ridiculous, shall we?

1. These razors are used by women. Not little girls. Women can handle products that come in colors other than pink and aren't scented all girly-like and crap. I have a pretty good idea where the notion that we needed scented plastic items. I call this the "Strawberry Shortcake Doll Syndrome".

2. The website explains that they "chose lavender based on our research, which showed the relaxing scent is popular today in a variety of health and beauty care products". Read that again. Their "research" basically included going to CVS and looking at the shelves. They didn't actually do any research about the scent at all.

3. How are you supposed to smell this anyway? Unless these are designed for women WITH MOUSTACHES THAT THEY SHAVE WITH RAZORS, then I don't understand how you get the razors close enough to your nose to enjoy the soothing, relaxing scent.

4. Lastly, soothed and relaxed are not two things that I want to be while holding a blade.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go set women back a few decades by using this crap.

1 comment:

indianshawls said...

nice blog