Monday, October 22, 2007

Presenting the "Tyra/Oprah/Dr. Phil Axis Of Daytime Evil Quote Of The Day"!!!!

"You'd think you'd be like 'oh my god. Oh. My god. I have a miniature human here and I'm only 16. Oh my god.' But then you got pregnant AGAIN. Are you a slow learner?"-Dr. Phil

I've absolutely developed an unhealthy obsession with Dr. Phil. Like to the point that I have a running list of possible Dr. Phil-related thesis topics. Just because he resists the temptation to touch his guests' breasts or basically tell them they're going to hell because they're not Christian or talk about how to burp in your boyfriend's car without him noticing does NOT mean that he's any less crazy than Miss Tyra. He clearly is. He also thinks women are inferior. I base this sweeping judgment on one fact:

1.) His wife attends the taping of every single show-AND JUST SITS IN THE AUDIENCE SILENTLY DOING NOTHING BUT WATCHING HER HUSBAND WORK. He'll actually acknowledge her prescence about one in every 10 episodes. Homegirl just sits there. Every single day. For the hours and hours that it takes to tape these shows. Why!?!?! Isn't she allowed to work? Or if she doesn't want to work, doesn't she have something better to do than sit for a thousand hours on end?

Ok, PLUS he completely coddles his female guests, letting them get away with all kinds of crap that he won't take from men because he expects less from women. I'm also not having any more of his "aw, shucks, I'm just a down-home southern gentleman spreading my quaint brand of common sense to the masses." Gross. And according to his wikipedia page (and we all know that if it's on wikipedia, it is 100% fact), his dissertation was entitled "Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Psychological Intervention." I'm not sure why that makes me dislike him even more, but it really really does. It might have something to do with the fact that I'm fairly certain it's about pain being all in your head. Seriously, can you NOT see him yelling at a pack of grandmothers to toughen up!?

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