Sunday, November 18, 2007

It doesn't show signs of stopping...

So remember when, exactly one year ago this week, Big Red finally died for real and poor, recent college-graduate Jenn had to buy her first car? And she debated and debated over getting all-wheel drive, because it would cost more? And her dad was like "Jenn, get the all-wheel drive, you're applying to (insert name of large, private, upstate New York university) if you move there you're going to need the all-wheel drive, trust me"? And Jenn was like "oh dad, if I even end up going there, and who's to say, as there's a chance I will write and publish a wildly successful novel and will make a bajillion dollars and will therefore not need to go to graduate school or use my brain ever again, even if I end up going there that's a billion years away (i.e., 9 months) and I don't ever like to plan for the future"? But then she ended up doing it anyway, and was slightly pissed about how that decision affected her monthly Target budget?

As it turns out, "Father Knows Best" wasn't just a title of a boring black-and-white 50's TV show that I've never actually watched before.

I awoke Friday morning to a veritable blizzard (like an inch of snow on the ground and it was still falling from the sky in impressive volume, so shut up) and had to get myself from my apartment to campus. It was a NIGHTMARE. If I was still in the D.C. area, not only would the federal government have been closed and I wouldn't have to go to work, THERE WOULDN'T EVEN BE ANY SNOW IN THE FIRST PLACE BECAUSE IT DOES NOT SNOW IN EARLY NOVEMBER IN CIVILIZED PLACES. And people keep tossing this phrase "lake effect snow" around and I STILL don't know a.)what that means or b.)what lake they're talking about.

By Friday evening there was literally about 4 or 5 inches on the ground. I've had winters where we've never had that much snow on the ground ever, and here it is November and we've already had that much and no one seems to care about it. I knew about the snow situation here before I moved, but it's really starting to hit me. I had to buy SNOW BOOTS on Friday, ya'll. Snow boots. No no no no no. Children need snow boots because they go into the snow and play. Adults don't need snow boots because IN CIVILIZED PLACES they can always get from place to place without having to worry about walking through 8 foot-high snow banks.

I'm officially in hibernation mode.

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