Friday, August 29, 2008

McCain-Palin sounds like some kind of medical syndrome

Hey, remember when McCain picked Tina Fey as his running mate?
Nice move, GOP. This nomination was brilliant on two levels. You very shrewdly realized that:

a.) besides having tiny lady brains and a penchant for ironing things, us females are contractually obligated to vote for any ticket containing a woman's name


b.)any random woman=African-American man. It's all the same to us!

I can appreciate the last ditch effort to steal any possible Hillary supporters. But I know many, and I'm fairly certain that for them, issues trump the presence or absence of ovaries in a candidate.

Also, Obama's speech? I have no words. I'll even excuse the once again hilarious misuse of Springsteen's "Born in the USA" as a patriotic song afterwards, so amazing was that speech.

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