Monday, November 07, 2005

I'll write you a blog entry you can't refuse

Just got back from watching The Godfather for my Hollywood Italians class. So naturally, I'm writing a blog entry about it instead of doing my work for my other classes.

Some thoughts:

1. James Caan=so, so hot. I came to that conclusion around the time in the movie that he is beating the crap out of his sister's husband. So what does that say about me? Whatever, who cares. NEXT.

2. Speaking of which, if I could I would go back in time and make Caan stand up straight and stop hunching his shoulders. Because even then they were pretty crazy looking, and now he is a hot mess. He seriously looks Quasimodo-esque these days.

3. I LOVE ABE VIGODA and I shall shout it out for all of the world to hear. Those But seriously, I would totally have trusted him and even when he admitted that he was setting me up, I would totally have forgiven him. I love that man, and if I could I would have adopted him as an extra grandfather. Mob ties or not.

4. Diane Keaton looks A BILLION TIMES BETTER now. For real-there are some women who seriously look so much better as they get older, and she is one of them. Her forehead distracted me the entire three hours.

5. Why don't men wear those newsboy caps anymore? Or suspenders? I think any man looks better wearing those.

6. Al Pacino is ridiculous. We should make him president or something.

7. What is one of my biggest fears? Anybody? Well, I'll tell you; revolving doors. I hate them, won't use them, everyone knows that. So I am just sitting here wondering why nobody mentioned the guy who gets trapped inside the revolving door and then gets shot to death. I am waiting for answers people, my so-called "friends".

8. I would be the greatest mafia boss of all. Time. I'm fairly easily corrupted. I would make everyone in my family wear special jackets or something. My main strategy would be to spread rumors about the other families, and make them think that someone else was saying it. It would be like "Hey, look, Smith Family (or whatever, I am trying to keep the racist Italian stuff to a minimum), the Linguini Family (oops, it slipped!!) said you guys looked fat. Also, they said all of your wives were sluts" or something similar.

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