Sunday, December 04, 2005

How bout them Colts?

I'm not going to lie to you, I'm not 100% sure what a "winter weather advisory" is exactly. Because, IS winter. I don't need to be advised to the fact that the weather outside is wintry in nature. I would expect a warning, though, if it started snowing in July or something. That would be a useful advisory.

ALSO, and this is very exciting, I would like to officially announce that I am now a Colts fan. That's right folks! Now that they are winning, I like them. Redskins fans know heartache, and, as a Hoosier, it doesn't get much worse than last season. So from now on I wait until a team is on top to offer my devotion, and as soon as they begin to lose, I yank it away. I'll probably adopt this as a parenting philosophy in the future as well.

I wanted to include here a little anecdote which will provide irrefutable evidence to the fact that everyone involved with the HPER (it's like, health and physical recreation or whatever, I don't know) department (except for maybe, like, 7 people in the entire school, for real) are just not playing with a full deck. Think of everyone who sucked in your high-school . Like the "jocks" or whatever, but not the cool, nice ones, the lame, overly-angry, sexist, creepy ones (oh, this includes women as well, by the way) and imagine they all chose the exact same major. I'm taking this batshit crazy class called "Violence and Safety in the Workplace" because it was literally the only 8 week class open in the ENTIRE university. And it's terribly apparent who is taking it because they needed more credit hours and who is taking it because they need it for their HPER "major". The latter sit in class and talk loudly and make fun of people who ask questions. Seriously. All of a sudden I feel like I am in high-school again. Clearly I don't say a single word during that class, but the people who do have to now worry about looking bad for being smart or being uncool because they are trying to learn!??! The hell?!? This guy, I don't know if he was a professor or what but he was totally dressed like a gym teacher, came in and gave everyone a survey to fil out. He said, and this is a direct quote, that the survey was to "see if HPER students were more likely to be successful in online classes". So, as a responsible journalist who didn't want to skew the findings, I told this guy that I wasn't in HPER. And he told me, seriously, "IT'S OK JUST DO IT ANYWAY". Even though there was no place to indicate that you had a different major or anything. And THEN afterwards he came up to me and thanked me for my concern, but that it would be ok because the survey would merely show if students who took a lot of HPER classes would be more likely to be successful in online classes. I could take no more idiocy, so I looked him in the eye and said "I'm not likely to take HPER classes. I didn't take this by choice. I needed an 8 week class and this was the only one open" and then I peaced out. I felt a little bad about acting snobbily, but not really, because having a department like this cheapens my degree. Because I take real classes with real teachers who do not suck. PLEASE NOTE: If you are a HPER major or you date one or your best friend is one or blah blah blah, fine, I'm totally sure that they are one of the good ones...honestly. No, seriously, I am sure there are smart people majoring in that, and to them I have but one question: "Why?!?!"

Also, the non-stop loop of Beatles in my head has been temporarily replaced by the entire soundtrack of "Rent" and FOR THE LOVE OF GOD IT WON'T STOP. Singing about AIDS in the middle of the union computer lab is just inconvenient.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahahahahahaha HPER sucks