Monday, August 14, 2006

How To Express To Your Friends Why It Is Disgusting That Iran Is Having An Exhibit Of Holocaust Cartoons (Without Sounding Like A Hypocrite)

1. The whole "no depictions of Mohammed" thing is a MUSLIM ideal, and one that non-Muslims are not held to legally (in most countries), religously, or even morally. Would I personally draw a cartoon of Mohammed? No, because I choose to be respectful of other religions and if it truly bothers someone on that deep a level, why do it? But do I demand that Pizza Hut do away with their pepperoni pizzas, which, according to my religion, represents two abominations (milk and meat, PLUS an "unclean" animal) against God? Uh, no.

2. The whole "hey, maybe it's not cool to draw a cartoon, which is humorous in nature, mocking the bloody, savage, brutal slaying of 6 million people (plus all the non-Jews who were murdered)" is a HUMAN ideal, and as far as I was aware, Iranians are human (although the jury' still out on President Jackass McCrazy Eyes and his used-car salesman hair-do) and should therefore adhere to HUMAN standards of decency (i.e., slaying babies in their mothers' arms and then burning their bodies in ovens which were being run by their family members isn't really funny).

Sorry to get so serious, kids. I'm really cranky. I just got back from the Carribbean and wasn't even allowed to bring duty-free rum back because THE TERRORISTS ARE RUINING MY LIFE.

For your trouble, here are some, shall we say, "rum-inspired" vacation pics to remind me not to drink again as I get ridiculous and ugly and get you excited for the forthcoming vacation blog post:

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