Friday, August 25, 2006

No drugs, no cannibalism, no problem!

Is it weird that the first thing that caught my eye was the grandma hat?

I'm trying out a new thing called "actually writing in the blog often instead of once every month, because it is a blog and not a book and the whole immediacy thing is what makes it a blog, plus I don't have anything to do while I am, ahem, between jobs *cough, unemloyed, cough*". So basically, keep refreshing this page every 4 minutes (I'm not going to tell you in my AIM profile anymore when I have a new blog entry, so be prepared to check continuosly. In fact, just o make sure that you do, I will occasionally be posting embarassing personal information about every one of you, so the sooner you check the blog and see said info, the quicker you can put in a request for said information to be removed (NOTE: aforementioned requests will almost always be denied, but what the hell, give it a shot).

So while you're waiting to refresh this page and find a new, exciting entry, check out this awesome story on CNN about three fishermen who were lost at sea for NINE FREAKING MONTHS. The best party of the story is clearly the headline: "Lost fishermen: No drugs, no cannibalism". No FUN, you mean.
ALSO: after some intelligent, thoughtful persuading on my behalf ("Eriiiiiiiic, I want you to start a blog. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease start a blog, pleeeeeeeeeeease, you are funny, entertaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaain me Eric, waaaaaaaaaaaaaah"), my favorite surfing scientific Stanford student has started a blog! In case you don't know him, let me tell you a little bit about Eric. I met him my freshman year of college when he was a sophomore through one of the loves of my life, Natalie (I'd love her more if she also started a damn blog). He drove a pick-up truck that was possibly even more tempermental than Big Red, and he was in the rental car with me when I crashed it in my mechanic's parking lot and then screamed and cursed in front of a family with small children. Eric is a scientist. But not a weird one!! No, he is a cool one, my friends (and when he discovers something huge, he can thank me for once saving his ass and then the scientific community can finally accept me!). So read his blog. But NOT if it takes time away from reading mine. Not to threaten, but he doesn't know embarassing stories about you (oh, don't think you're off the hook, Random Lurkers Who Read This Blog Often But Don't Ever Comment Or Say Hi. My trusty, super-precise site-counter tells me you the United States. I WILL find you).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I READ SOMETHING! I cannot say that I will always read, or always comment, but I will always love. That is basically the best I can do. And now that I am stealing wireless internet from one of my idiot neighbors who has yet to secure his/her network, I will be reading, commenting and loving more often. Till next time.