Thursday, September 07, 2006

Baby, it's the (creepy) guitar man...

Time to put the Guitar Center in Fairfax on your list of places never to go if you own a uterus-actually, just to be safe, don't go even if you're just a girly looking dude. My brother (who started MIDDLE SCHOOL at LAKE BRADDOCK on Tuesday, what the hell!??!!?!?) is taking guitar this year, so I went with my mom yesterday to get some picks and other random guitar stuff and seriously, it's been a long time since I felt that uncomfortable/freaked out.

First of all, we were there at 2pm on a Wednesday. I want to know what kind of job these 40 year old men have that allow them to just hang out in a guitar store in the middle of the day, because I am totally applying there. Remember Wayne's World, where they're in the music store and there's the "no playing 'Stairway To Heaven'" sign? JUST like that. Out of the literally 30 employees/fake customers who were merely hanging out in the store, there were zero women. Ladies, you know how you always ALWAYS know when a guy is looking at you (even though they think they're being slick about it)? Times that by 30, and that's what this was like. And it was even worse because I know how rough I looked; no make-up, some random ankle length brown hippy skirt that I don't know why I own because it's so not me, some ratty t-shirt, and an even rattier looking hoodie. Plus my hair was curly and crazy and I had a cold. I looked bad, guys, real bad (to quote my mechanic). So it made the stares even weirder. Then some guy tried to pick up my mom ("hey, I just have to tell you, your hair looks great-the texture, everything") and we had to book out of there because it was just too much to handle.

PS-About the whole "ohmygod my baby brother is in middle school" thing, here's what Josh has to say about it so far:
1. About his english teacher making them write letters to her as an assignment: "Is she that lonely that she has to force us to write letters to her?"
2. About being a "sevie": "The seniors are huge. One guy was a foot taller than me, and this other guy almost stepped on Mark (his friend, who's a little on the short side)"

1 comment:

jenn said...

oh my god, eric, you're right. my apologies, because in that context, this was not creepy AT ALL.