Thursday, September 21, 2006

The Thursday Night TV Quizdown!!

1. Name 3 new stereotypes that you learned from watching Survivor: Segregation Island (example: "White people don't understand why sleeping on wet ground will make you wet, but sleeping on a platform raised off the wet ground won't" or "Hispanic people are terrible at throwing challenges" or "African-Americans are notoriously good at gathering tiles with a story written on them and then arranging them in the proper order"):

2. Who's cuter than Jim?
a.) no one
b.) no one
c.) possibly, POSSIBLY George from Grey's but not with that ridiculous short hair
d.) actually, no, no one is cuter than Jim

3. True or False: Jamie Presley is a little TOO believable as white trash

4. Apparently no one cares about Burke anymore. Where was he during the first 56 minutes of the episode?
a.) in the underground bunker that formerly housed Suri
b.) figuring out a way to surgically remove Meredith's vocal chords without her knowing because DEAR GOD is she annoying as hell
c.) he got lost and ended up on E.R.
d.) preparing for Rosh Hashanah (dude, they sat shivah, they may as well do the new year too)

5.) Complete the sentence: The reason Jenn got bored with C.S.I. during the first 4 minutes was ______ (hint: she hates circuses/acrobatics even more than she wants Meredith and McBoring to fall off the ferry, never to be seen again)

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