Sunday, October 08, 2006

A quick one (while he's away, if you're a Who fan...)

Oh no, I crossed the line into 60's/70's rock dork-itude with that title, didn't I? Anyway, I need a reality check. I was just watching "American Justice" (ok, I watch it every single time it is on and Tivo all episodes. Bill Kurtis narrates my dreams), and a prosecutor just said this:

"Who among us can honestly say that we've never grabbed our child by the arm, or thrown a child on a bed?"

Ooooookay, so. I grew up around children, until 2 years ago there was always a kid under 10 in my house. I've also worked with children for like 10 years. So I'm not sure if I have a different perspective or what, but seriously? Seriously?! Ok, to the first one: um, hopefully all of us in this imaginary poll can say we've never done that. Do people really not know that the only time when it is ok to grab a kid by the arm is when there is like a bus about to hit him, or he is dangling off a cliff (and if either of those things happen while you're in charge, you are NOT A GOOD GUARDIAN). NEVER ever ever ever pick a child up by the arm; kids, especially young ones, get dislocated shoulders/injured elbows (nursemaid's elbow, grotesquely named) like it's their job (eww, what a terrible career choice). You really shouldn't even do that thing in movies where two parents are walking on the beach with their kid, each holding an arm while the child swings in between them and maybe their Golden Retriever frolics in the waves of the ocean.

As for the second question... I can't even think of an emergency situation where it is ok to hurl your child onto the bed. Unless, like, the carpet was on fire. In which case you should probably be fleeing the room.

People are ridiculous.

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