Sunday, November 26, 2006


1. The penguins were scary looking, not cute and cartoon-y

2. It was one of the most depressing films of our generation-I'd rather watch Steel Magnolias, Terms of Endearment, Forrest Gump, and the scene from Pretty Woman where they don't let Julia shop than sit through that movie again.

3. It made me feel guilty because we are stealing all of the penguins' fish and ruining their lives, yet I don't even eat fish. It's not my fault, you stupid penguins. Lay your guilt trip on someone else. Manipulative jerks.

4. Nicole Kidman's penguin voice was RIDICULOUS. Her name was Norma Jean, hahahaha I get that you are talking like Marilyn. But WHY? WHY WHY WHY?

5. Robin Williams as a penguin with a Hispanic accent? Really? Are there no genuine Hispanic people who could have taken the job? Is it not the auditory equivalent of black-face?

6. I saw it at the IMAX theater in the Air and Space Museum and, for real, could they take their stupid IMAX theater any more seriously? They had people patrolling to make sure that you didn't have gum, and they force everyone to move to the center of the row of seats even when there are like 20 people at the movie and they don't let you leave your seat once the lights go down. It made me nervous.

7. That penguin wasn't even an impressive dancer.

8. I didn't understand why that one old penguin was Scottish, or whatever. But then again, one was from Tennessee apparently, so I guess I was expected to suspend my disbelief.

9. All that ice made me cold.

10. "Kiss" by Prince is not a romantic song. Not even a tiny bit. They might as well have picked "Little Red Corvette" or, my personal favorite, "Cream". Sha-boogie bop, indeed.

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