Sunday, December 24, 2006

Hopefully, the stockings have now been hung (with care!)

Merry Christmas, you gentiles! Seriously, I hope it is lovely and happy and you get to be with your families and that you get lots of fun presents to share with me. My Christmas Eve will be decidedly less merry this year. Usually, we go to the only kosher deli in DC, and then head over and see the trees. When the sibs were younger, sometimes they'd ask inappropriate questions that people going to see the Christmas trees should probably know (Christmas Eve '97-"Daddy, who's that baby in that barn with all the animals"-Caroline, age 5, as people shot horrified looks at my father for not teaching his children about Jesus), but usually it is a very successful and joyous tradition. Until last year, when the owner of said restaurant got involved in a whole mess of political scandals and was charged with three felony counts of defrauding and all that jazz and had to close up shop. Oh, Jack Abramoff, I could forgive you for all of your shady, illegal activities, but how are your fellow chosen people supposed to get any protein now???

On another note, I went to a fake 5 year high-school reunion last night (people reading this blog who don't know me in real life are now all like "holy hell, this chick isn't 14??? An adult writes this crap?") and it was fun and not nearly as terrible as it had the potential of being. Although I don't remember being in school with 80% of the people there, those that I did know in attendance were generally the people that I actually liked in high-school. Um, also-congrats to Jen and Daniel and Leah who are engaged! Except, not all to each other. ALSO, if you weren't able to make it, and have spent the last 5 years wondering "is Jenn still kind of a tool?", I believe this picture tells you all you need to know:

Merry Christmas, ya'll!

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