Wednesday, December 13, 2006

I just need to zen the eff out.

This week has been too. Much. You know your week's off to a bad start when you leave work Monday evening, stop at the grocery store to buy something for dinner and walk out with a bottle of Chardonnay and a Milky Way (Dark, thanks).

I have been sad since yesterday, when I was reading the Post and the "if your birthday is today" horoscope said "Pisces and Cancer people adore you." This upset me because I too want to be adored by both Pisces and Cancers alike. It's very important to me. If you are a Pisces or a Cancer, please affirm that you do in fact adore me, and not just people born on December 12.

I'm taking the GRE's on Tuesday. This stresses me a bit. So if you can't get in touch with me until Wednesday, this is why. Please don't hate me. I still know NO math (but I'm taking it as a positive sign that my number one school choice lists average verbal and written scores, yet no math at all. Please assure me that it will be ok), EXCEPT for graphs. You guys, I am a freaking GENIUS at graphs. I have NO idea where this came from or why this little skill never reared it's head when I was failing algebra, geometry, algebra 2, trig, etc., but I will be thankful for it now. For serious, I am a graphing wizard.

ALSO, I made the disturbing discovery that I am wicked awful at analogies, like really, really terrible. EVEN WHEN I KNOW THE MEANINGS OF ALL WORDS INVOLVED! I make really weird connections in my head between words or ideas that apparently the unimaginative bastards making these standardized tests fail to see. Whatever. I can read every graph in the land, I don't care.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I'm a Cancer and I adore you!!! The GRE's aren't as bad as they seem. Just try and be calm when you're in the testing room. Let's hang out when things calm down. Mabye another trip to georgetown???

