Wednesday, December 06, 2006

I've lost the will to blog

This is now my official headshot. I know I already used it in a facebook note, but it so perfectly captures my foul disposition, I'm sticking with it

I am tired and cranky. So if you're looking for sunshine and flowers and love and giggles, keep on truckin', friend. Eww, I can't believe I just typed "keep on truckin'". I immediately regret that decision. As well as the decision to actually formulate sentences in this entry and not use the good old bullet point cop-out method I have grown so fond of as of late.

I can attribute my lack of bubbliness to three things, which I will present in bulleted fashion, so ha:

1. No one in the DC/Metro area can drive. Every morning on my way to work, I am surrounded by people who have no place to be, no place at all, and are all apparently just joy-riding down Braddock road at 6:30 am at speeds slower than the high-schoolers walking to their bus stops. Now, I am an agressive, angry driver. I tail these people going 25 mph in a 45 zone, I use the horn liberally and without warning, and I am not afraid to yell at you and curse like a sailor and maybe flip you off (once I am certain you can't see, anyway-I'm angry, not stupid). To make matters worse, 4 out of 5 days there is this one stupid, stupid tan SUV that without fail ends up cutting me off or not letting me in down around the Mason campus. OF COURSE this idiot is a Purdue alumn, and I have to stare at his stupid Boilermaker (a billion times worse than the word "Hoosier", a BILLION) stickers as he makes my morning drive a living hell.

2. The cold has chapped my lips and they are cracking and bleeding. That's the painful, gross, TMI truth, so just suck it up (or once again I invite you to truck right along). Since I already devoted nearly an entire entry to this affliction (and how round was my face this time last year?!?! It's about half the size now, for reals. Apparently my cheeks migrated to my chin), I will say no more. Except that I lost my Neutrogena Honey Rescue Balm and I refuse to shell out the 9 bucks to buy a new one, because SERIOUSLY. I am not made of money. Just dry, brittle, cracking skin.

3. Caffeine. There are like 45 reasons why I am supposed to completely eliminate it from my diet, which is why I am sitting here with a Coke slurpee and a bag of M&M's, which I don't even really like. I am SUCH a child. I had all but eliminated coffee and then I took a job that requires me to leave my house by 6:30 am (did you know such a time existed? Why did I do this to myself? If we were friends in high-school and you remember how I was never, ever in my first period class senior year, don't be thinking that all of a sudden I have changed into a morning person who loves to be communting in the dark. I still hate it).

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