Saturday, December 30, 2006

Refill this

Oh, hi Internet! Me again. This is my 234th post of the day, because I now live in my bed and the only things I can reach are my alarm clock, phone, tissues, and computer, and it is nearly impossible to use a box of Kleenex to blog anything worth reading. The reason for my post is this: I just needed you to know that I hate a certain pharmacy which shall remain nameless, but it's a big chain and has three letters in its name and it basically SUCKS HARD.

I called said "pharmacy" to refill my inhaler. You know, the one that I have to take twice a day, every day, since I was 10 until I die so that my lungs will function (it's not the rescue one that nerdy kids pull out of their pockets and suck on in 80's movies when they get nervous, its the one I need to LIVE). I was informed that sorry! It can not be refilled because prescriptions are only good for one year (SINCE WHEN YOU DIRTY LYING LIARS) and mine ran out 3 days ago. But could I refill it 3 days ago? NO because it would have been too early for my insurance! FABULOUS. So now I have to wait until Tuesday to find out if my old doctor who I don't even see anymore will call it in for me, and if he doesn't I am S.O.L. and will end up in the hospital by Tuesday night.

On another note, I am running out of things to complain about and I am still sick and stuck in bed. Don't worry though; I'm in the midst of planning out my travel itinerary for a very exciting trip to the bathroom to brush my teeth for the first time in a day and a half. Leave me an address, I'll send a postcard!

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