Tuesday, February 20, 2007

And this is why I'm going to stay in my 20's FOREVER

So normally I'm really opposed to the Academy giving out what I like to call the Cumulative Oscar; every so often, an actor/director gets nominated and for whatever reason they have never gotten an Oscar even though they really should have by now, and so they win even though their performance/movie may not have been the best that year, but because they've been slighted in the past.

HOWEVER, the fact that Peter O'Toole has had like 80 billion nominations but has NEVER won an Oscar (even though his characters/movies/performances always make the top best lists) is INSANE. I saw Venus last week. He was ridiculously good in it, albeit a little too pervy for a 125 year old. He needs to win Best Actor, because a.) he deserves it and b.) I'm counting on him saying something inappropriate and making the show a tiny bit more bearable.

There's one thing that has been bothering me since I saw the movie, though. I realize that my peers may not realize how beautiful this man was, so please peruse these pictures:

So that's how he looked in his heyday. What does he look like now?

A cross between Maggie Smith and that dude from Hannibal who was missing his face. Just tragic. This is like when I was at a play in London and I realized that one of my other favorite British 1960's movie star crushes, Michael York, was sitting across the aisle from me. When the lights came on, I realized that he now looks like an old lady. Guys, if the above picture isn't a good enough reason not to become an alcoholic, I don't know what is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my god, I'm so depressed.
I swear to g-d, should I live to be this age, I will have every single freaking plastic surgery known to man, & perhaps some that man aren't even aware of. I will freeze myself & do all sorts of crazy ass things such as sleep in a nutbag hyperbolic chamber like Michael Jackson if I have to. I will not age. I don't buy that bullshit peopel like Cameron Diaz say about how "Aging is beautiful" & that they are "excited to grow"...no way man, they are excited cause they know they can afford to fix it.

But hot damn...Peter was a babe...which begs the question Miss Jenn...would you hit that six ways till sunday?