Sunday, March 11, 2007

The Worst Blogger Ever

Don't be mad at me. Here, enjoy some Glam Rock Mick as a peace offering.

ONCE AGAIN, I apologize for the lack of blogging as of late. My Internet is spotty and my personal life exploded and daylight savings time came and I got confused because last year was my first time doing it in like 5 years because Indiana never had it until last April and I've been having a bunch of bad hair days and Tide is discontinuing my laundry detergent and it's all just been a mess. Hopefully things will get back to normal this week and I can resume wasting my time (and yours) with my long-winded rantings.

Two quick things to mention for now:

1.) Maybe the manufacturer of my preventative inhaler could come up with a better system of letting me know when it's running out instead of me waking up in the middle of the night, gasping for breath and freaking out because I've haven't had an attack in over a year. That would be aces. I used to be able to tell because it would feel significantly lighter, but ever since those bastards switched to an ozone-friendly formula, I can't tell. Effing nature, man.

2.) I know that I say this a lot, but Fruit Punch flavored Crystal Light on-the-go packets will LITERALLY CHANGE YOUR LIFE. They are AMAZING. All of this time I have wasted on Raspberry Ice. These ones taste just like the fruit punch that you used to drink as a kid before you turned like eight and, if you're a female, magazines and TV told you that you had to worry about getting fat, and you were doomed to a life of drinking only boring water and Diet Coke, which, less face it, no one on this planet actually enjoys the taste of (Diet Pepsi is a little better). They also kind of stain your teeth and lips, so you might want to enjoy them in the comfort of your own home, lest you scare the people on the street.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This shit straight up changed my life. CHANGED MY LIFE!