Thursday, April 26, 2007

The newest, hottest excuse for the lack of blogging is....

...allergies have kicked my ass all over the place. I admit defeat. Pollen, you are the victor. You now own my nasal passages, and all of the riches within (basically, just pounds of pollen that I have unwittingly inhaled). I don't remember allergy season ever being this bad, but then I have selective memories about unpleasant things (like when Natalie and I go to the classy Cinema DeLux and always think that getting cheese fries sounds like the best idea ever, until one of us reminds the other of the ONE time when we actually got them and they were the grossest things on the planet-we should have known though, the orange "cheese" that melted through the plastic container should have been a give-away).

This is my first springtime back in the DC area in six years, and I never had any issues in Indiana with this. In fact, April would always be when I'd crank back the moon-roof in Big Red (awww, I need to do a post about him) and blast some vintage Byrds or Dead (I like to give the old hippies a thrill). All that I remembered from springtime in Washington was cherry blossoms! And flip-flops! And lovely afternoons spent frolicking in fields and weaving daisies through my long, flowy hair! And now I realize that I never used to get to see the cherry blossoms because of the effing tourists, flip-flops are a no-go until I can get that pedicure that I can't afford because Christ, being a grown-up is pricey, and I wouldn't know how to find a field or identify a daisy if my life depended on it.

I have redecorated for spring, though; I've had to move my alarm clock off my nightstand to make room for, and I'm not kidding, the following drugs: Restasis and Optivar eye-drops, Zyrtec, my super huge dosed Flovent inhalor, Flonase, some weird antihistamine nose-spray who's name I can't pronounce, Echinacea, Flinstones chewable vitamins, and an economy pack of Aloe-infused Kleenex.

The guy at the CVS pharmacy drive-thru KNOWS ME BY NAME.

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