Friday, May 04, 2007

Can we talk about how I think I broke my nose with my laptop?

Because really, I think I broke my nose with my laptop.

First of all-my laptop is HEAVY. It's not some ancient model from 20 years ago (I've had it for like a year), but it's an hp and it is heavy as hell. With pointed corners. Somehow, while getting into bed last night and trying to pull my computer up so I could watch something on it, it got too heavy for my arm and it ended up smashing me right on the bridge of my nose. Cursing, crying, and bleeding ensued.

Seriously, I feel like such an ass injuring myself this way. It's even funnier when you consider all of the activities that I had done earlier that evening that have extremely high nose-injuring potential; wrestling with my 95 pound dog, crazy pilates moves, basketball with my brother (in which I decided that elbowing, tripping, and kicking was allowed). Then again, I'm the chick who got a black eye in 5th grade during a jump-rope-a-thon, not from an actual jump rope, but from some girl hitting me in the cheek bone with the top of her head.

I tried to document the damage with my camera phone, but was less than successful-you can kind of see the mark right on the bridge and the darkness under my eyes, but not really.

At least it's better than this one, in which I have no nose at all and look like an anime version of myself.


Sorry, the freak-outs are coming waves.

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