Friday, May 11, 2007

Could this show BE any less entertaining?

Because there IS a God and he apparently hates trite, pretentious drivel as much as I do, the buzz on the street is that my TV show nemesis (yes, I have one), Studio Crap on the Sunset Strip, has been officially cancelled. If you never got the chance to see this gem, here's all you need to know:

-It's written by people who have never actually heard real human dialogue (wait-you mean people DON'T speak exclusively in rehearsed, quick-fire banter and contrived, 10 minute long soliloquies?)

- It was about a SNL-esque comedy sketch show and we were told countless times how hilarious and awesome this sketch show was, and yet there was one problem; the sketches that they showed were kind of amazingly un-funny. Like jokes about Tom Cruise and Scientology a good year after the Today Show debacle.

-In an effort to appear more high-brow, this show used more obscure television references than anyone watching would ever know what to do with. And seriously, guys; I KNOW obscure pop culture*. Believe me. If I don't get it, chances are most people won't get it, and then we have an "Emperor's New Clothes" situation where no one wants to admit that we don't know what the hell they're talking about.

-Lead actress Sarah Paulson is nowhere near as charming as she thinks she is and no one will tell her.

I'm sorry, but those who say "NO, everybody just doesn't understand it because it is GENIUS and SO SMART and you are all just too dumb for it!" are just people who are overcompensating because they didn't get Arrested Development (may you rest in peace, you beautiful, beautiful show). I get it, and "it" totally sucks.

*not so obscure, but did you get the Chandler Bing (played by Matthew Perry, who was on Studio 60) reference in the title of this post? Yeah. That's the kind of quality stuff you get when you read my blog, people. You're welcome.

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