Monday, July 16, 2007

Racism. Gangsta Rap. Intrigue on the High Seas.

PROVIDENCE, Rhode Island (AP) -- The longtime chairman of the Roger Williams University board admitted Monday to using the N-word during a board meeting, saying it "kind of slipped out."
"I apologized for that," Ralph Papitto said in an interview on WPRO-AM. "What else can I do? Kill myself?"

1.)Who is this Roger Williams, and how did he get his own university? Because I really, really want one too.

2.) I don't exactly understand how this could just "slip out". I don't think I've ever actually said that word out loud, for real. Granted, this guy is like 754 years old (or 80, whatev) so I SUPPOSE he could say that he used that word like 60 years ago when it wasn't as socially reprehensible and he hasn't used it since and it just slipped, as words are wont to do after not being used at all for 60 years in the land of the magical Roger Williams University (seriously, who is this guy??*). Except....

'"The first time I heard it was on television or rap music or something," he told WPRO."

DAMN IT RALPH, I'm trying to help you out here. I find it hard to believe that a chairman of a college who was like 40 years old during the Civil Rights Movement NEVER HEARD THE N-WORD until Dr. Dre came around and effed up his universe.

3.)Yes, Ralph. You should just kill yourself. Because if people are still disappointed at disgusting bigotry coming from a leader at a university even after said leader gave his all-healing apology, they must want you to kill yourself. Did you first hear that from an episode of Gilmore Girls or something?

*ALLEGEDLY he was some kind of early English settler and theologian . I really wanted him to be a pirate. Disappointed.

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